July 1, 2013

Two Weeks in Thailand Pt.1

So here I am in Thailand again and I couldn't have come at a worse time. It will NOT stop raining. I obviously came during the monsoon season. Well, you win some you lose some. Since my sister has to work the whole week, I have to tour the city on my own and let me just say, it's been a breeze. I am so in love with this city and the people. Everyone's so nice and helpful, even though the language barrier is probably the worst of my problems.

NOTE: I didn't take pictures of the first two days because I forgot my camera. Sorry :(

Plane Ride: June 9
It was a 6 hr plane ride from Dubai to Thailand and I just couldn't wait to get there! Here's a shot I took right before landing. I thought the sky looked serene, it put me at peace.

June 11 (Night)

Siam Paragon for dinner!

June 11 (Day)

Today I spent my day at the park and OMG there's more wildlife here than the zoo. My favorite animals (turtles) were everywhere. Also, the pigeons (which are dominating half the population) don't really care what your doing. In all honesty, they'll come right up to you and ask for food. Mooches.
I saw a force of nature taking place. A stray cat was trying to catch it's lunch for the day but failed. It was awesome to see. The steadiness and stealth of the cat was no match for the bird's quickness. Later I found that same cat lounging next to a couple having a picnic. It made me think of the phrase "I've never seen a wild thing feel sorry for itself."

June 14

I headed to Central World/Siam Paragon today and decided to take some pictures of the mall. Today was a lucky day because a nice Asian girl came up to me and said "Hi, I like your outfit! Can I take a picture of you for my fashion blog?" ERRRRRRRMMMMMM.. HELL YES YOU CAN! That was one of the highlights of my trip. After that, I decided to get lost. Yep, I genuinely wanted to get lost. I stumbled upon this temple area and looked around. It was surrounded by greenery which was shocking to find in the heart of industrial Bangkok. It was a breath of fresh air though. Literally. After I left there, I went back to Siam to catch the train and I saw a food fest going on. Obviously, I wanted to eat there but I didn't know if you had to register. Plus I didn't have anymore money. Bummer. After I explored around a bit more, I headed back to the apartment. My sister usually gets home around 5-6 so I always be home before then so we can go out to eat or shop around. 

I could live off this stuff! 

Inside Central World
What I wore today!

Pt. 2 is coming soon!