April 26, 2013

Phuket, Thailand: Spring Break (pt.2)


Ahhh...Phuket. There's not a lot I can say about Phuket. One really has to experience Phuket for themselves to judge. I'm a city girl to the core and Phuket is not a city are at all. It's more for a relaxing place to unwind and not deal with the chaos of Bangkok. I love chaos, not silence. We went without my sister, she stayed in Bangkok. It was just me and my parents. We rode elephants, touched monkeys, ate fresh fish, and basically just chilled out.

April 1 

After getting off the flight, we headed over to the hotel to wind down and freshen up. We stayed at the Movenpick and....just....wow. The hotel was beautiful. The grounds were ,in my opinion, 5 star. Anyway, that night we went out into town (the touristy district) to find something to eat because hotel food ain't cheap. We pick a spot that had some fresh fish because that's what my parents were craving. Luckily, Phuket is nothing but fresh fish.

April 25, 2013

Bangkok, Thailand: Spring Break (pt.1)


So, it's been about a month since Spring break and I wanted to document what I saw. Bangkok was nothing short of amazing. Especially, since I'm in obsession with Asia. I saw crazy monkeys temples, monks, and lady boys (whom are extremely pretty by the way). My mom, dad, and I went to go visit my sister who's studying abroad right now in Bangkok. At first I thought "Why, Bangkok?" Then I found out almost everyone in my school is going to Bangkok. Apparently it's a cheap flight from Dubai. All I know is I would do anything to go back. It's like NYC but the only thing that was negative about the trip was the smell in Bangkok wasn't the greatest, but you kind of get used to after a couple of days. Enough of my ramblings, let's get into the pictures. 

The first day was filled with shopping at the Weekend Market. Good thing we got to Bangkok on friday because the Weekend Market is only open on (yeah, you guessed it), the weekends.
My sister can't do any poses, so this is what she came up with -.-