April 25, 2013

Bangkok, Thailand: Spring Break (pt.1)


So, it's been about a month since Spring break and I wanted to document what I saw. Bangkok was nothing short of amazing. Especially, since I'm in obsession with Asia. I saw crazy monkeys temples, monks, and lady boys (whom are extremely pretty by the way). My mom, dad, and I went to go visit my sister who's studying abroad right now in Bangkok. At first I thought "Why, Bangkok?" Then I found out almost everyone in my school is going to Bangkok. Apparently it's a cheap flight from Dubai. All I know is I would do anything to go back. It's like NYC but the only thing that was negative about the trip was the smell in Bangkok wasn't the greatest, but you kind of get used to after a couple of days. Enough of my ramblings, let's get into the pictures. 

The first day was filled with shopping at the Weekend Market. Good thing we got to Bangkok on friday because the Weekend Market is only open on (yeah, you guessed it), the weekends.
My sister can't do any poses, so this is what she came up with -.-
Always try the street food at least once.
How cute is she?

On the second or third day, I went out by myself just to explore and to get out of the hotel and went to some little spots. There wasn't much to see but I did come across a set Kim Kibum for Super Junior M doing a fan meeting. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see it but it was nice to see K-pop artists doing their thing. I felt like I was in South Korea. Apparently, there was a movie premier going on as well. I took pictures of the two main actors in it. It must've been a pretty big deal because I saw posters for it everywhere.

Birds for sale

Tuk Tuk

Mall right by my hotel

My sister and I were bored in the hotel around the third or fourth day and we decided to go exploring somewhere. We ended up in Chinatown and it was heaven for me because I got some cheap and cute accessories and some materials for deco den.  Afterward we headed to the mall to get something to eat. Out of all the options of Asian goodness, we tried this Taiwanese restaurant. I had bubble tea with my food. I would just like to point out that there are about a thousand and one bubble tea cafes in Bangkok. It was such a breath of fresh air because finding a bubble tea joint is such a pain in Dubai. After that we visited her college apartment and I met all her friends. They were really nice and had so much style! Then we made our way to a hitchhiker's street. Its where hipster and hitchhikers go to stay in guesthouses because they are so cheap. I had a orange Cosmo while my sister had some cake. While we were waiting for our orders, there was a traditional Thai play or act going on. Also, our waiter was extremely adorable ^^.

my sister ^^
Nickhun from 2pm! He was advertised everywhere!
Start of Chinatown

Hitchiker's Walk

On the forth day, my mom, dad, and I made our way to the Golden Mountain to sight see. I felt like such a tourist. I hate that feeling. Anyway, when we got to the top, the view was amazing. There were monks up there too so that meant we had to cover up. That was the first time I took a Tuk Tuk and they are AMAZING but they are a little pricey when targeting tourists. Beware! After that we went to the Royal Palace and toured around there. It was nothing short of beautiful. I just wondered how long it took to make it because it was so detailed. After that, we ended the day seeing one of the big Buddhas and eating in Siam Paragon Mall at a Japanese restaurant which was delicious. Bubble tea for dessert. Overall, it was an amazing day ^^.

Bird nests made by the monks. How cute are they?

Hi! The sun was in my face. 

Big Buddha

Dinner at KUU
Nightlife is so cool in Thailand
On Sunday, March 31st, we went to a traditional Catholic church for Easter. I loved this church because all the doors were open and it was letting in this fresh sunny air that was just so refreshing. Honestly, all churches should be like that that are in warm climates. Afterward, we were suppose to go to Skybar but it wasn't open so we went to a traditional Japanese restaurant instead. We had to take our shoes off and everything. 

I'm probably leaving a lot of important stuff out but it was a LONG trip and we were all doing crazy things so... yeah.. sorry :3. Anyway, I'll post my second part of the trip in part 2. BYE!