April 26, 2013

Phuket, Thailand: Spring Break (pt.2)


Ahhh...Phuket. There's not a lot I can say about Phuket. One really has to experience Phuket for themselves to judge. I'm a city girl to the core and Phuket is not a city are at all. It's more for a relaxing place to unwind and not deal with the chaos of Bangkok. I love chaos, not silence. We went without my sister, she stayed in Bangkok. It was just me and my parents. We rode elephants, touched monkeys, ate fresh fish, and basically just chilled out.

April 1 

After getting off the flight, we headed over to the hotel to wind down and freshen up. We stayed at the Movenpick and....just....wow. The hotel was beautiful. The grounds were ,in my opinion, 5 star. Anyway, that night we went out into town (the touristy district) to find something to eat because hotel food ain't cheap. We pick a spot that had some fresh fish because that's what my parents were craving. Luckily, Phuket is nothing but fresh fish.

Nothing but fish

April 2

Elephant Riding! Riding the elephants was so amazing. The place we went to ride elephants was strangely sketchy to me though. There were a lot of chains and rope. As an animal activist, I wasn't comfortable with the "show" the elephants were forced to put on. Don't get me wrong, they were very cute but I don't think elephants, probably some of the most gentlest creatures in the world, need weapons near them. It just irked me. We saw a monkey show and rode on an old ox cart. I monkey seriously tried to kill my dad too. My dad got too close because he thought the monkey wouldn't touch him. That monkey grabbed onto him so fast.... he was lucky I said watch out right before the monkey really got a hold of him. It was pretty convincing, Thai living. The workers were so cute and lovely. I got plant necklace from our elephant driver while my mom got a bracelet. I'm not kidding, they handmade those things while we were riding. Can someone say talent?

This is the cheeky bastard that tried to hurt my dad 

Our elephant driver


April 3

This day wasn't very eventful for me because I had to stay at the hotel due to having horrible bug bites from the elephant ride. My parents went out for the whole day island hopping. To be quite honest, I'm thankful they went out without me. It would give me time to relax and explore without parent supervision. For God's sake I'm 18 years old. While they were out, I was chilling poolside with the novel 1984 and a couple of magazine's I bought in Bangkok. 

April 4

Today was the last day in Phuket. Were scheduled to leave for Bangkok again at 6pm. I couldn't wait to get back to Bangkok. It's like I belong there, you know? I just  needed a bubble tea in my system. First we went to Big Buddha and saw all the monks there gathering. I felt very uncomfortable because instead respecting the monks and giving them their space, people were treating them as an attraction. I kid you not, there was a line to pay a monk to bless you. How do we even know if that's a real monk, people? Wake up. Big Buddha was beautiful though. The scenery was breath taking. After we drove past a funeral taking place. A very important monk had died. I didn't know his name but there were locals and tourists there. I thought it was very rude of the tourists to be taking pictures and laughing while the funeral was taking place. Show some respect, guys. We saw where the monks lived and their living quarters. They were actually pretty cute and looked comfortable. After quietly slipping out of there, it was time to eat. We made our way to a seafood restaurant (go figure) and I ate lobster (which was cheap O.O) and my parents ate fish. We saw the tide come in and just gazed at the beautiful scenery that is Thailand. In that instant, I was at peace. After dinner it was time to go back to Bangkok. As much as I liked the serenity of Phuket, I needed to be back in the city. 

We didn't do much when we came back to Thailand. We saw my sister and I tried to do some last minute shopping but it was a fail because it was so late. At 6 AM we got a taxi to go to the airport to head back to Dubai. I had such a great time and experienced so much I feel like Asia ,as a whole, is where I'm supposed to be. I will be going back to Asia if not after graduation, then during my study abroad period in college. I will be blogging for that a well.