June 30, 2014

What I Bought In Japan (Week 5)

Drugstore Stop Cleasing Water, My Beauty Diary Facemasks, and Charcoal Mask

A cool new stapler that doesn't require staples. Hmmm, Japan is onto something.

I actually won this at one of the UFO stops! SCORE!

Don Quioxte Stop | Matcha Pocky, Schick Razor , Bang Yongguk of B.A.P folder and Matcha Chocolate (My new fav.)

I'm going to just give SkinHolic its own review. Skinholic was AMAZING! My friend and I frequently stop here everytime we went to Shin Okubo, Koreantown. The selection is what I would only see in my dreams...or online. It would be an understate to say that I stocked up for the next year. 

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