July 1, 2013

Two Weeks in Thailand Pt. 2

June 15

Today was a busy day because it was the weekend and this was the only weekend where my sister and I would get to spend the full day together. So first we went out for breakfast. I was trusting my sister to know where she was going but she ended up getting us lost. So I insisted we go back to a mall area. I just wanted something quick to eat so we could start our activites, nothing fancy
like my sister. After that we went to Ekkamai where this huge Japanese-style mall was located. I. FOUND. HEAVEN! I bought some Japanese Magazines because why buy Thai magazines when  I can actually READ Japanese? Happie Nuts and Vivi were among the selection. I even stumbled upon a a maid cafe! It was the only one in Thailand too. Lucky, much. The girls were so nice and even thoguh I knew pictures weren't allowed, I asked anyway. They said no :( No worries, I took a picture of the sign. I was fangirling like a true otaku. 
After exploring that mall and all it's treasures we headed to MBK. How do you describe MBK? MBK is flawless (high fives to those who know that reference). Seriously though, MBK is not for everyone. It's a bargain mall. That's really all I have to say about it. There's lots of electronics, pirated DVD's and music, phone cases galore, and amazing food. It's def. a tourist's spot. After that adventure, we got on the BTS and headed toward Saphran Taksin and took the Chao Phraya Express Boat to Asiatique. Asiatique is my second home. Yeah, it takes a long time to get there, bu damn is it worth it. This is the Atlantic Station to Atlanta, the Times Square to New York. Everybody comes here, esp. tourists and on the weekends. It's a hot spot to see. After all the shopping and eating, I was beat and ready to go home to start another day.
Breakfast Fail

Two Weeks in Thailand Pt.1

So here I am in Thailand again and I couldn't have come at a worse time. It will NOT stop raining. I obviously came during the monsoon season. Well, you win some you lose some. Since my sister has to work the whole week, I have to tour the city on my own and let me just say, it's been a breeze. I am so in love with this city and the people. Everyone's so nice and helpful, even though the language barrier is probably the worst of my problems.

NOTE: I didn't take pictures of the first two days because I forgot my camera. Sorry :(

Plane Ride: June 9
It was a 6 hr plane ride from Dubai to Thailand and I just couldn't wait to get there! Here's a shot I took right before landing. I thought the sky looked serene, it put me at peace.

May 12, 2013

Summer Lookbook and Thailand Haul

As you may know from my previous post, I went to Thailand on Spring Break and I just received the best news. I'M GOING BACK THIS SUMMER WITH MY SISTER!!! WOOOHOOO! This is a graduation gift from my parents. And let's just say, I nearly had a heart attack. This is such a blessing. I love Thailand so much. Maybe my sister and I can go to Singapore, too. Hmmm. Nah. Anyway, I forgot to document what I purchased from Thailand the first time around so I decided to combine my hauls from Dragon Mart and Thailand and put them in one lookbook. Killing three birds with one stone, I'd say. Check out the Youtube video below and photos that show each look.

May 10, 2013

「Daiso (だいそ)and Dragon Mart Haul」

Hey Hey Hey! So, I went shopping last week and found DAISO. It's only the most cutest, handy, andamazing shop ever. It's like a $1 store...only cooler. Check out the youtube video below to see what I got :)


April 26, 2013

Phuket, Thailand: Spring Break (pt.2)


Ahhh...Phuket. There's not a lot I can say about Phuket. One really has to experience Phuket for themselves to judge. I'm a city girl to the core and Phuket is not a city are at all. It's more for a relaxing place to unwind and not deal with the chaos of Bangkok. I love chaos, not silence. We went without my sister, she stayed in Bangkok. It was just me and my parents. We rode elephants, touched monkeys, ate fresh fish, and basically just chilled out.

April 1 

After getting off the flight, we headed over to the hotel to wind down and freshen up. We stayed at the Movenpick and....just....wow. The hotel was beautiful. The grounds were ,in my opinion, 5 star. Anyway, that night we went out into town (the touristy district) to find something to eat because hotel food ain't cheap. We pick a spot that had some fresh fish because that's what my parents were craving. Luckily, Phuket is nothing but fresh fish.

April 25, 2013

Bangkok, Thailand: Spring Break (pt.1)


So, it's been about a month since Spring break and I wanted to document what I saw. Bangkok was nothing short of amazing. Especially, since I'm in obsession with Asia. I saw crazy monkeys temples, monks, and lady boys (whom are extremely pretty by the way). My mom, dad, and I went to go visit my sister who's studying abroad right now in Bangkok. At first I thought "Why, Bangkok?" Then I found out almost everyone in my school is going to Bangkok. Apparently it's a cheap flight from Dubai. All I know is I would do anything to go back. It's like NYC but the only thing that was negative about the trip was the smell in Bangkok wasn't the greatest, but you kind of get used to after a couple of days. Enough of my ramblings, let's get into the pictures. 

The first day was filled with shopping at the Weekend Market. Good thing we got to Bangkok on friday because the Weekend Market is only open on (yeah, you guessed it), the weekends.
My sister can't do any poses, so this is what she came up with -.-